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Strange Candy (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
by Laurell K. Hamilton
Binding: Paperback
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Amazon Price : $12.02
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Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 124
Results Strange Candy (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
Strange Candy Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laurell K Strange Candy Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laurell K Hamilton on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The 1 New York Times bestselling authors short story collectionincluding an allnew Anita Blake Strange Candy Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Kindle Edition Strange Candy gives us three brief glimpses into the wonderful world of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series The introductions that accompany each of the chapters gave us a glimpse into Laurell K Hamilton’s creative process Strange Candy Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Strange Candy by Laurell K Hamilton Our author most noted for her Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series and the very sensual content which have entertained readers for years now gives a glimpse into her other facets With Strange Candy we are given a collection of short storied taking us to the various areas Laurell has written about Strange Candy Laurell K Hamilton Strange Candy The 1 New York Times bestselling author’s short story collectionincluding an allnew Anita Blake Vampire Hunter storynow in paperback From a woman who marries into a family of volatile wizards to a couple fleeing a gang of lovehungry cupids from a girl who seeks sanctuary in the form of a graceful goose to the Strange Candy by Laurell K Hamilton PenguinRandomHouse About Strange Candy The 1 New York Times bestselling author’s short story collectionincluding an allnew Anita Blake Vampire Hunter storynow in paperback From a woman who marries into a family of volatile wizards to a couple fleeing a gang of lovehungry cupids from a girl who seeks sanctuary in the form of a graceful goose to the disgruntled superhero Captain Housework readers will Micah and Strange Candy by Laurell K Hamilton Goodreads Start by marking “Micah and Strange Candy Anita Blake Vampire Hunter 13 anthology” as Want to Read Thus far I had only read the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series and was surprised at the richness and imagination of Laurells other writings Definitey wetted my appatite for more of her work Very good material to let girls read